
Balancing the Side Effects of Oral Steroids

Balancing the Side Effects of Oral Steroids


Oral Steroids or corticosteroid drugs are used extensively by bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts to treat a myriad of conditions such as asthma, arthritis, allergies, Addison’s disease, and other joint and immune system disorders.

Oral steroids in the form of steroids taken by mouth – the other types being inhalers, injections, and drops, and sprays. Tablets, capsules, and syrups are forms of oral steroids and help in treating pain and inflammation associated with severe to chronic conditions. For moderate pain, you shouldn’t use steroids unless prescribed by a doctor.

Oral Steroids

Oral Steroids

Needless to say, steroids are an effective solution to relieve the discomfort, pain, and inflammation of many conditions, but they also carry a risk of harmful side effects. Depending on how the amount of dose and how you take it, the risks may vary from moderate to severe.

Unless you know the potential side effects, you cannot take precautionary steps to minimize their impact. Some common risks associated with abuse of oral steroids are:

  • High blood pressure
  • Weight gain with visible fat deposits
  • Swollen legs due to fluid retention
  • Increased pressure in the eyes
  • Mood swings and behavioral issues

Similarly, consuming oral steroids for the longer term may cause:

  • Higher risk of infections
  • Cataracts (clouding of the lens in eyes)
  • Bones weakness and fractures
  • High blood sugar
  • Skin bruising
  • Suppressed adrenal gland hormone production

Balancing/Reducing the Risks

By boning up on the below guideline, you can reduce the risks of harmful side effects – and maximize the benefits.

Don’t Increase the Dose on Your own

Always start with low doses as oral steroids come in various strengths – and ask your doctor before increasing the dosage. Similarly, different forms of corticosteroids require different lengths of medication. So, get complete details from your doctor about how long should you take the medication – either short-term or long-term, and either daily or every second day. And, strictly acct upon the advice.

Eat Healthy and Balanced Diet

While you’re on steroid medication, maintain healthy eating habits. Ask your doctor about your diet plan and try to eat a healthy and balanced diet and indulge in physical activities that give you strength. It becomes even more important when you’re having a longer medication plan your bones and muscles require extra strength and energy.

Vitamin and Calcium Intake

Increase the calcium and vitamin D intake while you are on medication. Taking corticosteroid drugs over longer periods may cause thinning of your bones – a process called osteoporosis – making them vulnerable to breakage. So, take guidance from your doctor on which calcium and Vitamin D supplements you should take and in what amounts, click on our homepage and buy steroids with cash app.

Look for Withdrawal Symptoms

Never stop taking the steroid drugs at once as it may lead to withdrawal symptoms. Taking steroid medication for an extended period makes our body dependent on them – as they suppress the production of natural steroid hormones by adrenal glands.

On sudden withdrawal, you may experience anxiety, stress, body aches, sleeping problems, and light-headedness. So, gradually decrease the dosage and cut it off eventually.

Simply put, get your regular check-ups while you’re on medication and follow the above tips to minimize the negative effects of oral steroid medication.  You can order Oral Steroids from us

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